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Employee Management Software Sample Screenshots

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Employee Management Software buildings

On this page, we provide screenshots of some of the windows in our Employee Management Software program. These are the actual windows from the  Employee Management Software. Each picture can be expanded by clicking or (if on a mobile device) stretching it. This software is built to be very user friendly and, as you can see below, the windows are easy to understand. Each window also has a Help button which details the purpose and use of the window. 

Below are some sample screenshots of our Employee Management Software program

All names shown in screen shots are ficticious and used for demonstration purposes only.

Click on any picture to enlarge it!

Employee Violation Tracking software Main window

Employee Management Software Main Window

Data Metics Windows

Employee Management Software Employee Data Metrics

Data Metrics Window - Employee

Employee Management Software Department Data Metrics

Data Metrics Window - Department

Employee Management Software Quick Search

Data Metrics Window using Employee Quick Search feature

The Data Metrics window (shown in the 3 pictures above) in our Employee Management Software enables you to quickly see problem areas by employee, department, or the company as a whole. Quickly see which employee(s) in a department are responsible for the most violations. See which departments in the company have the highest violation rates. By adjusting the begin and end dates you can evaluate this data monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc. The data computed on this window enables management to pinpoint problem employees and departments, providing the information necessary to  alleviate problem areas through counseling or, if necessary, termination. Although our Employee Management Software has department and employee reports and bar chart graphs for tracking problem areas, this window provides for even further backup documentation (and defense) which can be used to counter against any lawsuit for action taken against an employee. Color screenshots of these windows is available from the "Save to Reports" button.

Employee Violation Tracker Add Employee Window

Employee Management Software Add Employee

Employee Management Software Import Window

Employee Management Software Import Records

Employee Management Software New Violation Window

Employee Management Software Add New Violation

Employee Violation Tracking software Edit Violation window

Employee Management Software Edit Violation

Employee Violation Management software history window

Employee Management Software History/Reports

Employee Violation Tracking Viewer

Employee Management Software Violation Viewer

Employee Violation Tracker Employee Directory Window

Employee Management Software  Employee Directory

Employee Violation Tracker Directory Report

Employee Management Software Employee Directory Report

Employee Violation Tracking Employee Graph

  Employee Management Software Employee Violation Bar Chart

Employee Violation Tracking software Department Violation graph

    Employee Management Software Department Violation Bar Chart

Violation graph legend

Graph Legend popup when Graph Legend button is pressed

The Employee Management Software graphs (shown in the 2 pictures above) enables you to quickly see problem areas by employee, department, or the company as a whole. They provide a convenient picture format for showing the number of total violations and the number of each type of violation for each employee or each department. These graphs can be printed and used in presentations. They provide management with the information required to make critical decisions to achieve or maintain a safe and cohesive working environment for all employees. 

Employee Violation Tracking software Help window

           Employee Management Software

Employee Bar Chart Window Help Button

mployee Violation Tracking Employee Report

Employee Management Software Employee Violation Report

Department Violation Tracking software Department Violation report

Employee Management Software Department Violation Report

Employee Management Software Roster Report

Employee Management Software Department Roster Report

Department Violation Tracking software Main Window Data Export

Employee Management Software Main Window data export (csv file)

​These reports are all saved on your computer in respective subfolders under the C:\EVT Reports folder created by the Employee Management Software.  You can manually navigate your computer's hard drive using the Windows File Explorer to find all of your reports, but we also provide a "Report Viewer" button on the Main window which opens the window shown below.

Human Resources Employee Management Reports

Report Locator/Viewer/Print Window

This Reports Locator/Viewer window allows easy access to all of your reports without the need to manually open Windows File Explorer. Simply click on the file picture associated with the type of report you wish to view or print and your Windows File Explorer will automatically open up at the appropriate folder/directory for that report type. You can keep this window open or minimized as you work for easy access to all of your reports. This makes finding, viewing, and printing all of your reports effortless.

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