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Employee Management Software

General Questions and Answers

Q – Does your Employee Management Software allow employers to document employee discipline to help protect them against potential litigation?

A – Yes. By documenting employee violations of every type, our Employee Management Software provides employers with proof of employee violation in the form of database records of each violation. Further, our Employee Violation Tracking software provides reports and graphs which depict violations by employee and/or department.


Q – Does your Employee Management Software program allow for the tracking of performance improvement?

A – Yes. This is accomplished through the production of violation reports and graphs which can be generated for  specific periods of time and depict changes, including improvements in employee behavior.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software generate employee and department reports detailing all employee violations for a specific time period?

A - Yes. The employee and department reports in our Employee Management Software detail the begin and date for the violation period, employee ID, first name, last name, department name, total violations, type of violations, date of each violations, and the description of each violation. You can see an example of the employee and department reports on our Screenshots page.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software generate graphs which depict total employees, total violations, and each violation committed?

A - Yes. The graphs in our Employee Management Software show all of the information contained within the reports, as described above, and they can be generated by employee and/or departmentYou can see an example of the employee and department graphs on our Screenshots page.


Q – Does your Employee Management Software have data export capability allowing for interface between it and other company wide business software?

A – Yes. Our Employee Management Software allows the export of all data easily by simply clicking on the Export Data button available in the Main and History windows of the program. The data is exported to a comma separated value (csv) file. These types of files can be used to interface directly with other business software, and they can imported into any spreadsheet software and used to interface with other software programs.


Q - Is your Employee Management Software program user friendly?

A – Yes. Our Employee Management Software, and all software from TATSoftApps, is built to be user friendly. We provide drop down boxes for entry of common data, which makes it easy to input data and reduces the chances of input error. Our date fields are formatted for valid date entry. Each window on our software has a Help button which thoroughly discusses the use and purpose of each window. Check out the Screenshots page on our website to see actual windows from the software and you will see that the windows and functionality of the software is easy to understand. Or see our demo videos of the software in action. Data entry and retrieval is accomplished with minimal effort. See the reviews from our customers available on our websites for each business software product we produce.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software generate company roster reports?

A - Yes! Employee Management Software can generate a company roster report for every department containing the Department Name, Run Date, Employee ID, First Name, and Last Name for every individual working in the chosen department during the begin and end dates chosen.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software increase productivity?

A – We believe that by tracking employee violations and discipline which allows the employer to discuss these infractions with an employee, our Employee Management Software ensures an increase in productivity by addressing and correcting problem areas in productivity in general.


Q - Does your Employee Management  Software allow the import of data?

A - Yes! Our Employee Management Software allows you to import data quickly and efficiently using comma separated value (csv) files. The software allows you to navigate to your import file to select it for import and even displays the data so you can browse it before you import it. This allows you to bring in data from any other violation tracking or disciplinary software you may now be using.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software provide for manual input of data?

A - Yes. Manual input of data is fully supported and a drop down box containing violation or discipline types is provided for you convenience.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software allow export of the data to a comma separated value (CSV) file?

A - Yes! We allow you to export all of your data to a comma separated value (CSV) file. This allows you to interface with other software you may have and also import your data into any spreadsheet software as well!


Q - Does your Employee Management Software provide the ability to connect to internal or external entities?

A - Yes. You can create and manage connections from within the  Employee Management Software to any internal or external entity. Once you create the connection you can cut and paste values between the software and the external entity. 


Q - Does your Employee Management Software store a history of every record entered, including the violation documentation?

A - Yes. Every record you enter into our Employee Management Software program is kept secure and saved into the program's database. You can view this data at any time from the History window module. And you can print reports using the history data.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software provide easy and intuitive database backup?

A - Yes! Our Employee Management Software allows you to easily backup your data. Our database backup allows you to navigate to where you want your data backed up to. You can also name it and put a date in the name so you know when the backup was performed.  Note that you should back up your data somewhere other than the computer that the drug testing software is on. For example, an external drive or data stick.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software have Help buttons?

A - Yes! Every window in our Employee Management Software has a Help button with carefully crafted guidance to allow you to use the window effectively.


Q - Does your Employee Management Software have any recurring charges or fees of any kind?

A - No! Once you purchase our Employee Management Software there are never any recurring charges or fees of any kind. 


Q - Is your Employee Management Software program competitive in price, quality, and service?

A - Absolutely! AT TATSoftApps all of our software, including our Employee  Management Software, is the priced to outperform any and all of our competitors. First of all, there are no recurring fees or charges with any of our business software. Once you purchase our software, you own it. There is never any future costs associated with our software. Our marketing strategy centers around gaining new customers, not continuosly extracting capital from our existing customers. Read the reviews on our websites to gauge our customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is what drives TATSoftApps to be a leader in business software. And when you purchase any TATSoftApps software product, you always get free lifetime support!


"I love this software! It is very user friendly".
Denise L.
River Valley Drug Testing & Supplies

Click the window below to see demo videos of our Employee Management Software Program

Employee Management Software Main Window
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